India, Maharashtra, Achalpur, Balegaon
28 days ago
I'm a top television promotion model pinky situated in south Achalpur and I expect 55k for 2 meetings in particular , and for which I can remain for 2 or 3 hrs .read my promotion provided that you are over 35 years old ,wedded and situated in india.i go 2 few chose star lodgings and 1 day earlier notification must. I have done television promotions with top cricketers and celebrities and model for magnificence brands also. My figure apparent here in dp.will give you my direct no once u email me through this site.please note I'm a celebrity part and I'm not on whatsapp or any visit or video applications as I stay with family. Assuming you request my google connect or my pics without me having the opportunity to check your inn booking1st ,without a doubt will mail u phony pics.i impart through sms, voice calls or messages as it were.
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